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Theosophical Classics The classical works of Theosophy
on a CD_ROM with search engine. Great bargain. More
Voice of the Silence by H.P. Blavatsky Excerpts of inspirational
passages from disciples seriously on the path in the East. More
Blavatsky Net - Theosophy
This site focuses on Madame Blavatsky and her teaching
- Theosophy. It features an introduction to Theosophy, study aids, research tools, original text, supporting evidence, membership,
and visitor interaction.
Tour the Secret Doctrine - Blavatsky's master work - with Quote Of The Day for September 23:
These beings are the "Sons of Light," because they emanate from, and are self-generated in, that infinite Ocean of Light,
whose one pole is pure Spirit lost in the absoluteness of Non-Being, and the other, the matter in which it condenses,
crystallizing into a more and more gross type as it descends into manifestation. Therefore matter, thougt it is, in one sense,
but the illusive dregs of that Light whose limbs are the Creative Forces, yet has in it the full presence of the Soul, thereof,
of that Principle, which none-not even the "Sons of Light," evolved from its ABSOLUTE DARKNESS-will ever know. —
Secret Doctrine Vol I page 481.
Theosophy is a fragment of the ancient, once universal, wisdom teaching.
The masters of Theosophy, located in Tibet and around the world, preserve and extend this ancient wisdom. Periodically
they send forth one of their own - or a messenger - to help spread this teaching to all of humanity.
In the 1800's they had been searching for a century for the next messenger and finally settled upon Helena Blavatsky, born
to a noble Russian family. She saw the master who would be her teacher in her dreams as a child. She met him in Hyde Park
in London when she was 20. She managed to enter Tibet and was trained by those masters in Tibet from 1868 to 1870. From 1875
through her death in 1891 she spread that message around the world.
Theosophy is the name Blavatsky gave to that portion of knowledge that she brought from the masters to the world. It comes
from the term "Theosophia" used by the Neoplatonists to mean literally "knowledge of the divine".
"An Invitation to the Secret Doctrine." Helpful background and introduction to Blavatsky's magnum
opus - the monumental source book for esotericism in our age. More
Perhaps all of her work can be summed up in one of her maxims: Compassion is the law of laws. She explained that brotherhood
is not a mere ideal - it is a fact in nature on the spiritual plane. From that we derive a logical basis and a binding source
for morality that can guide and inspire us, even while more traditional religious sources are losing their compelling force.
She gives us the metaphysics from which we can deduce the most important priciples of how to live.
The master collection of her work extends 3 feet on a bookshelf. (In today's age it is also available on a CD-rom.) Her
master work is the Secret Doctrine, written in 1888 - a book that will remain seminal for centuries. Her first book-length
work, Isis Unveiled, shook the rafters of science and religion, and the world hasn't been the same since. Many people reading
this will hold views that were first planted in the West by Blavatsky. Some of the views you hold were brought by her. She
also has an introductory book, Key to Theosophy, and an inspiration book, Voice of the Silence, for those few who are ready
to tread in the footsteps of advanced disciples - or at least for those who want their soul to hear the same call. We also
have introductory books recommended in the bookstore since her master work would be quite challenging for a newcommer to this
"Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy" by Gottfried de Purucker. A series of lectures that
provides an excellent introduction to Theosophy. More
We also have many letters from the two teachers of Blavatsky that offer a very rare glimpse into what is effectively another
world. In that world a concern for humanity as a whole is the number one guiding principle in the foreground. In the background
is an understanding and command of the hidden laws of nature that is far beyond what is known to humanity in general today.
On this site we have her articles and we point to other sources online for all her major works. We also supply a search
engine for those articles. (Her entire works can be searched with a search engine on the CD.) Also on this site we feature
a talk-list that focuses on her teaching. Ages ago (in internet time) when this site first started, it aimed to show evidence
confirming the teaching she brought. There is a start made in that direction but there is far more confirmatory evidence than
has yet been assembled conveniently online.
Best wishes in exploring this site and pursuing the teachings of Theosophy.
Reed Carson
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